
Know how to validate or not an email address

Validating an email address is a crucial task for many online services and applications, ensuring that user-provided email addresses are both properly formatted and capable of receiving messages. This process can be intricate, involving various stages from simple format checks to more complex server interactions. Here’s a comprehensive guide to the email validation process:

Basic Syntax Check

The first step in email validation is to verify the basic syntax of the email address. This ensures that the email address adheres to standard formatting rules.

Format of an Email Address: An email address consists of two main parts separated by an “@” symbol. The first part is the local part, and the second part is the domain. For example, in the email address john.doe@example.com, “john. doe” is the local part, and “example.com” is the domain.

Local Part: The local part of an email address can include a mix of alphanumeric characters, periods, hyphens, and underscores. It should not exceed 64 characters in length.

Domain Part: The domain part of an email address includes the domain name and the top-level domain (TLD). For instance, in “example.com”, “example” is the domain name, and “com” is the TLD. The domain name can include alphanumeric characters and hyphens but must be followed by a valid TLD.

General Rules:

  • The local part and domain part must be separated by a single “@” symbol.
  • The domain part must contain at least one dot.
  • The total length of the email address should not exceed 254 characters.

Checking the syntax involves ensuring that the email address fits within these rules. However, proper syntax does not guarantee that the email address is valid or deliverable.

Domain Validation

Once the syntax is confirmed to be correct, the next step is to verify the domain part of the email address. This step ensures that the domain is valid and capable of receiving emails.

DNS Lookup: To validate the domain, perform a DNS (Domain Name System) lookup to check for MX (Mail Exchange) records. MX records are DNS records that specify the mail servers responsible for receiving emails for that domain.


  • Use a DNS lookup tool or service to query the MX records for the domain part of the email address.
  • Verify that the MX records point to valid mail servers. If the domain has MX records, it is likely set up to receive emails.


  • Domains without MX records may not be configured to handle email.
  • Some domains may use external services for email, so the presence of MX records does not always guarantee email deliverability.

Mailbox Validation

Mailbox validation involves checking whether a specific email address exists and is capable of receiving emails. This step is more complex and involves interaction with the mail server.

SMTP Verification: SMTP (Simple Mail Transfer Protocol) verification involves connecting to the mail server and simulating the process of sending an email to check if the mailbox exists.


  • Establish a connection to the mail server using the domain’s MX record.
  • Send a HELO command to introduce yourself to the server.
  • Send a MAIL FROM command to specify the sender’s email address.
  • Send a RCPT TO command to specify the recipient’s email address.
  • Check the server’s response. A successful response typically indicates that the mailbox exists, while an error response suggests that it does not.


  • Some mail servers may always indicate that a mailbox exists to protect against email address harvesting, making this step less reliable.
  • Mailbox validation may also reveal catch-all domains, where the server accepts emails for any address at the domain.

Catch-All Domain Check

Catch-all domains are configured to accept emails sent to any address at the domain. This can complicate the process of validating specific email addresses.

Handling Catch-All Domains:

  • Use specialized email validation services to identify catch-all domains.
  • These services can help distinguish between valid and invalid addresses even in the presence of catch-all configurations.

Advanced Validations

In addition to the basic checks, advanced validations can provide a more thorough assessment of the email address’s validity.

Disposable Email Detection:

  • Many email validation services can identify addresses from known disposable email providers. These services often offer temporary email addresses for short-term use and should be flagged.

Spam Trap Detection:

  • Some advanced validation services can detect spam traps. Spam traps are email addresses set up to catch spammers and are often associated with poor email practices.

Email Format and Length:

  • Ensure that the email address adheres to the full set of format rules and length restrictions. This includes checking for compliance with international email standards.


Validating an email address is a multi-step process that involves verifying the address’s syntax, domain validity, and mailbox existence. While basic syntax checks can be performed with simple rules, domain and mailbox validations require more in-depth checks involving DNS lookups and SMTP interactions. For comprehensive validation, leveraging specialized email validation services can help ensure accuracy and reliability. These services can handle advanced checks, such as identifying disposable emails and spam traps, providing a more robust validation process.



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